Yo, gym bro! You bet your protein shake, steroid cycles can definitely mess with your skin health. It can lead to some gnarly acne, oily skin, and even scars if it gets bad. Not exactly the kinda gains you want, right?
Okay, let’s break it down a bit, dude.
Steroid cycles can really do a number on your skin. The reason is that these synthetic hormones increase the production of oil in your skin. This extra oil can clog up your pores, leading to acne outbreaks. It’s not just your face either, it can be your back, shoulders, and chest too. No one wants a pimpled peck, bro!
But hey, it gets worse. If the acne’s bad, it can lead to scarring. Plus, if you’re using needles for the roids, you could also risk getting skin infections. This stuff isn’t just about looking pretty for the beach selfies, it’s serious health stuff.
So, what’s the verdict, my dude? Well, steroid cycles can mess with your skin big time. It’s not just the acne, but also the risk of scars and infections. And besides, what good is a shredded bod if your skin’s all messed up? Keep it clean and natural, bro. You can get the gains without the pain. Keep pumping that iron!