TREATING AND PREVENTING AIDS A Guide to Basic Principles for Effective, Nontoxic and Inexpensive Alternatives

22 Dec

February 2003

Roberto Giraldo1, Pedro Ródenas2, Juán José Flores3 and Alfredo Embid4

Acknowledgment: This article was originally written in Spanish. Its translation into English has been possible thanks to the generous editorial assistance of William Castillo, Philadelphia PA.

1. Understanding the real causes of AIDS.
2. Diagnosis using clinical and laboratory findings.
3. Avoiding exposure to immunological stressor agents.
4. Detoxifying the immune system and other systems.
5. Stimulating and regenerating the immune system and other systems.
6. Treating the clinical manifestations of AIDS.
7. Adopting natural treatment and therapies.
8. Initiating treatment at the appropriate time.


Scientific evidence shows that AIDS is neither an infectious nor a contagious disease, but is instead a degenerative toxic and nutritional illness (1-11), caused by involuntary and sometimes voluntary exposure to the alarming global increase of immunological stressor agents, which are of chemical, physical, biological, mental and nutritional origin (3). These stressor agents in the body induce an excess of free radicals, especially oxidizing agents (9-44), which progressively impair the immune system, eventually causing it to collapse while simultaneously provoking manifestations of opportunistic infections, tumors and metabolic disturbances. However, AIDS can be treated, prevented, and eradicated in effective, easy, and inexpensive ways (45,a-c).

Eight basic principles can and should guide the treatment and prevention of AIDS, which is, in reality, a toxic and nutritional illness: 1) Understanding the real causes of AIDS; 2) Diagnosis using clinical and laboratory findings; 3) Avoiding exposure to immunological stressor agents; 4) Detoxifying the immune and other systems; 5) Stimulating and regenerating the immune and other systems; 6) Treating the clinical manifestations of AIDS; 7) Adopting natural treatment and therapies; and 8) Initiating treatment at the appropriate time (a-c). The application of these basic principles will depend upon the particular condition of each individual or community and may be adapted to specific cases by health professionals or therapists in conjunction with the consent and cooperation of the interested or affected individuals.

AIDS may be managed like any other chronic, degenerative illness. Once a patient manifests mild, moderate or severe immunological deficiency, the patient will be required to take precautions for the rest of his/her life, such as is done by patients who suffer from diabetes, high blood pressure, arthritis, renal insufficiency and other chronic conditions.

Following this article is a list of references and a bibliography which sustain the scientific validity of these alternative approaches for the treatment and prevention of AIDS. Study of these sources is strongly encouraged for those seeking a deeper understanding of the issues. Furthermore, following this article is a list of websites providing scientific arguments and abundant references regarding the international scientific debate concerning the causes of and solutions for AIDS.

Eight Basic Principles for the Treatment and Prevention of AIDS:


1.1. It is essential that affected individuals and communities rid themselves of the erroneous belief that AIDS is an infectious, viral, contagious, and fatal illness (1-11). Accordingly, the simplistic equation that HIV = AIDS = DEATH must be deconstructed.

1.2. Similarly, the myth that being “HIV-positive” means infection with the virus that supposedly causes AIDS must be dispelled, since being “HIV-positive” or “seropositive” in reality means that the person has been exposed to toxins and is undergoing oxidative stress (46).

1.3. These faulty beliefs, in and of themselves, cause harm to the immune system and can lead to the development of AIDS, as has been demonstrated by psychoneuroimmunology (47-53).

1.4. Comprehensive evidence should be provided demonstrating that involuntary and sometimes voluntary, multiple, repeated, and chronic exposure to immunological stressor agents ­– whether they be chemical, physical, biological, mental or nutritional in origin – intoxicate, oxidize, and progressively deteriorate the immune system, causing it to collapse and thereby generating AIDS (4,54).


2.1. Be aware that involuntary and sometimes voluntary, multiple, repeated, and chronic exposure to stressor agents not only intoxicate and progressively harm the immune system, but also damage all other organs and systems in the body (4,54). Exposure to these toxic agents does not affect each person in the same manner and therefore identical or similar stressors can bring about different patterns of disease in different individuals or populations (a-j,z).

2.2. Accordingly, the complete health status of the individual or community should be carefully evaluated using available conventional clinical and laboratory tests to establish the state of the blood, serum, plasma, urine, stool, and other body liquids. Furthermore, alternative and complementary techniques such as iridology, kinesiology, bioelectronics, pulses of oriental medicine and other techniques may be used (d-j).

2.3. It is important to evaluate the functioning status of the immune system with tests such as T and B cell counts, blastogenic responses of lymphocytes, T cell proliferation and differentiation, activation of cytotoxic lymphocytes, timuline activity, total complement, C3, C4, as well as immunoglobulin levels (55-57).

2.4. A detailed evaluation should be made of the activation status of the immune system with tests such as serology for hepatitis A, B, and C, syphilis, toxoplasma, herpes viruses, cytomegalovirus infection (CMV), rubella, mononucleosis, rheumatoid factor, antistreptolisins, erythrosedimentation rate, C reactive protein, beta 2 microglobulin, Combs test, agglutinins, immune complexes, and skin tests (55-57).

2.5. Testing should be done to determine the functioning status of the endocrine glands, kidneys, liver, skin and all other organs and body systems.

2.6. A meticulous evaluation of nutritional markers is invaluable, using tests such as total proteins, albumin, electrophoresis of proteins, serum iron, transferrine, ferretine, foliates, B12, B6, thiamine, niacin, biotin, riboflavin, panthotenic acid, inositol, biopterins, and colines (58-77).

2.7. Biomarkers of antioxidant status should be tested, such as the serum level of vitamin C, vitamin A, total carotenes, alpha carotene, beta carotene, beta criptoxantine, flavonoids, vitamin E, alpha tocopherol, copper, ceruloplasmine, zinc, selenium, chromium, manganese, glutathion, glutathion peroxidase, N-acetylcisteine and systemic tiol (9-44,78,79).

2.8. Evaluating the oxidation status of the body is also recommended, using tests such as markers for oxidation of DNA bases (8-hydroxy-2-deoxyguanosine) and biomarkers of lipid peroxidation such as malondyaldehide, lipid hydroperoxides, oxidized proteins, salicilate test, reduced glutathione, catalases and superoxidodysmutases (80-83).

2.9. The ELISA, Western blot, and viral load tests erroneously believed to indicate “HIV infection” (84-98) should be interpreted only as indirect biomarkers of the oxidation status or intoxication of the affected individual or community (46). Therefore, the HIV phenomenon, rather than being a cause, is an effect of exposure to immunological stressor agents and indicates the presence of proteins released during the body’s stress responses (99-107). It is necessary to fully understand that the so-called “tests for HIV” do not detect infection with “HIV”. There is not a single scientific reference demonstrating that the HIV phenomenon relates to a real virus (108-113).


3.1. It is imperative to avoid further intoxication of the organs and tissues by preventing as much as possible exposure to immunological stressor agents (4,54), especially the following:

3.2. Chemical stressors such as tobacco, alcohol, psychoactive drugs and aphrodisiacs (cocaine, heroin, “crack,” inhalable nitrites or “poppers,” amphetamines, etc.), chemical pollution, detergents, paints, air fresheners and sprays, food preservatives, toxic pharmaceuticals including antibiotics, corticosteroids, chemiotherapeutics and antiretrovirals (4,6-8,114-118).

3.3. Physical stressors such as ionizing and nonionizing radiation, electromagnetic fields from electric and electronic equipment, geopathies and cosmopathies (4,119).

3.4. Biological stressors such as blood and its derivatives, semen (especially via rectal insemination), vaccines, STDs, other infections, and parasitosis (4,120,121). Overgrowth of Candida albicans in the gastrointestinal tract and its dissemination to other sites should be monitored (i,y). In underdeveloped regions, it is necessary to provide clean water as well as proper disposal of waste and human excrement so as to eliminate sources of new infections and parasitosis (121).

3.5. Mental stressors such as anxiety, depression, and panic should be observed and treated (4,122). It is absolutely necessary to dispel any doubts about the causes of AIDS, its treatment and prevention in individuals, families, and communities (47-53). It is necessary to comprehend that, from a scientific viewpoint, it is perfectly possible to cure and prevent AIDS.

3.6. Nutritional stressors, such as the lack of food in underdeveloped countries and the proliferation of junk food in developed ones, need to be avoided (4,123). Nothing puts us more in contact with our environment than the food that we eat. As a consequence, it is necessary to consume as much natural and whole foods as possible, avoiding tobacco, alcohol, coffee, tea, chocolate, cocoa, sodas, processed foods, canned food, foods containing chemical preservatives and refined products like sugar, white flour and sweeteners such as aspartame. It is also essential to decrease the consumption of animal proteins and fats, including dairy products, as well as sugars and candies. On the other hand, in underdeveloped regions, it is most essential to alleviate the lack of food. (123).

3.7. Life style; both health and disease depend upon our daily habits and our attitude toward life (2,4,124-129). It is necessary to adopt a positive and critical approach, so that “seropositive patients” become “seriously positive and impatient.” Adopting a combative attitude is a way to heal and survive. Maintaining an active life, working, having enough rest and sleep, practicing moderate physical exercise, and leaving some time for entertainment are all important factors for survival. For example, listening to music, dancing, singing, painting, and laughing – all can be survival tools. Other practical survival techniques include: wearing cotton and light colored clothes; practicing dry brushing and finishing showers with cold water; and practicing respiratory, relaxation, and visualization exercises. Regular sexual activity is also important, without, however, toxic aphrodisiacs, lubricants, and spermicides, and without sadomasochistic practices. Further steps to thriving include discovering one’s interior life, stimulating personal growth, protecting nature, and helping other “seropositive” individuals and those suffering from AIDS.


4.1. In addition to the immune system we must detoxify the body’s excretion systems; digestive, liver, kidneys, lungs, skin, and any others manifesting signs of intoxication (130-132).

4.2. A variety of nutritional, energetic, magnetic, physical, mental, and spiritual techniques have demonstrated effectiveness in both detoxification and stimulation and regeneration of the immune system and other systems (133-141,a-z). Some of these include naturopathic medicine, homeopathy, acupuncture and moxibustion, neural therapy, digitopuncture, phitotherapy, nutritional therapy, use of quelant agents, hydrotherapy, therapy with sea water, reflexology, lymphatic massage, Bach flowers, hyperthermia, biocatalitic oxygen therapy, aromatherapy, therapeutic massage, art therapy, music therapy, cromotherapy, hypnosis, yoga, tai-chi, qigong or chi kung, tuina or Chinese massage, reiki, magnetic therapy, sophrology, orthomolecular medicine, functional medicine, and spiritual care (133-141). As with conventional medicine, the effectiveness of these therapies depends on both the knowledge and expertise of the practitioner and on the acceptance of the person receiving the therapy or treatment.

4.3. Some herbs that may be used in the detoxifying process include (124-129,137,r-v,z) diuretic herbs such as common horsetail (Equisetum arvense) and herbs to protect the liver such as milk thistle or silymarin (Silybum marianum), boldo leaf (Pneumus boldus), common fumitory or earthsmoke (Fumaria officinalis), African desmodium (Desmodium ascendens), Chinese astragalus (Astragalus membranaceus), and Ling Zhi or Chinese Reishi (Ganoderma lucidum). The aloe shake (Aloe vera) is useful in both detoxification and stimulation of tissues and is prepared by blending together 2 oz. of aloe gel, two tablespoons of honey, 4 kernels of black pepper, a small piece of ginger, and the juice of a lemon. Take freshly prepared, every day for 30 to 60 days. A good intestinal hygiene is crucial in the detoxification process and can be achieved with chamomile enemas followed by enemas with sunflower oil or flaxseed oil, as well as with supplements of lactobacillus.

4.4. A detoxifying and antioxidant diet is important (2,4,123-128). We suggest tissue cleansing, for example, by using a depurative diet without animal products and margarines and with organic fruits and vegetables. Dr. Kousmine’s depurative diet is a good option (142). We suggest eating whole cereals in any form (rice, barley, wheat, oat). Decrease sugar and candies. Increase the intake of fresh and dry fruits as well as raw organic vegetables and legumes. Drink lots of liquids; water (at least 1.5 litters per day), juices with fresh fruits and vegetables (especially carrots), vegetable broths, and green juices as a source of chlorophyll (for example, blend with water lettuce, spinach, celery, mint, parsley, coriander, and such – take without draining). Avoid dairy products, using as a substitute almond, oat, rice, and cashew milks. Avoid the genetically modified soy common in the United States, Canada and Argentina. Supervised fasting is beneficial (143). Also recommended is the use of bifidogenic foods, for example yogurt and kumis made from sheep or goat’s milk, tofu or miso (144). Coconut oil is a good source of louric and caprilic acids, which prevent candida growth (i).


5.1. This procedure should be initiated at the same time as the detoxifying procedure and may require months, years, or even the rest of the person’s life, depending upon the specific conditions of each individual or population.

It is necessary to achieve normal blood levels of antioxidants (145-150,r,s), for example, by using vitamin A and carotenoids (151-170), vitamin E (preferably vitamin Ed) (162,171,172), vitamin C (173-175), selenium (30-33), n-acetyl cisteine (34-40), l-glutamine (i), zinc (41-44), copper (44), manganese (r), alpha lipoic acid (r), ubiquinone or coenzyme Q10 (r), and flavonoids or vitamin P (r). Avoid exceeding normal blood levels and keep in mind the potential toxicity of metals and fat-soluble vitamins.

5.3. Achieving normal blood levels of vitamin A and other carotenoids prevents the so-called “transmission of HIV/AIDS” from person to person (176-178) and from mother to child during pregnancy, delivery (179-190) or during breastfeeding (191). The potential theratogenic effects of vitamin A, betacarotene and other carotenoids should be considered (192).

5.4. Some interleukins, such as IL2, growth factors, B-complex vitamins, vitamin D, and lithium are useful for their stimulating and regenerative properties (193-201).

5.5. Any macro or micronutrient deficiencies should be meticulously addressed (202-212).

5.6. Certain herbs may be used for their immune stimulating and/or antioxidant properties (137,213-222): aloe (Aloe vera), astragalus (Astragalus membranaceus), Siberian ginseng (Eleutherococcus senticosus), Fo-ti (Polygonum multiforum), turmeric (Curuma longa), echinacea (Echinacea angustifolia y E. purpurea), garlic (Allium sativum), licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra), golden seal (Hydrastis Canadensis), cat’s claw (Uncaria tomentosa), ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba), grapeseed (Vitis vinifera), sarsaparrilla or smilax (Smilax officinalis y S. aspera). Sedative and relaxing herbs include: passion flower (Passiflora incarnata), valerian (Valeriana officinalis), chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla), mint (Menta sativa), lavender (Lavanda officinalis), Siberian ginseng (Eleuterococus senticosus).

5.7. An antioxidizing, stimulating, and regenerative diet should be followed (2,4,124-129). In addition to the detoxifying diet described in 4.4, it is necessary to practice a vegetarian or semi-vegetarian diet with quantities of fruits, especially papaya, mango, kiwi, pineapple, avocado, bananas, and dry fruits, and vegetables, cereals, legumes and algae. Avoid animal products and instead eat white fatty fish, sheep and goat meat. Preferably use sea salt. Use 60-80% fresh, whole, raw organic food. Whenever possible, use garlic, onions, asparagus, citric fruits, beets, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, carrots, yeast, wheat, and pollen, as well as sprouts. Use cold pressed oils (Below 40 degrees Celsius), since this manner of pressing preserves essential and polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are needed in anti-inflammatory and regenerative processes. Carcamo, sunflower, and olive oils, in this order, are good sources of vitamin F or linoleic acid. Flaxseed oil is also a good source of alpha linoleic acid.


6.1. Specific conventional (223-227) and/or alternative or complementary treatments (a-z) can be used to treat: opportunistic infections (candidiasis, hystoplasmosis, coccidiodomycosis, cryptococosis, cryptosporidiosis, different types of herpetic infections, CMV infection, isosporiosis, tuberculosis, nocardiosis, Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia, recurrent bacterial pneumonia, Salmonella septicemia, estrongyloidiasis, and toxoplasmosis); tumors (Kaposi’s sarcoma, brain lymphoma, B-cell lymphoma, Burkitt’s lymphoma, and invasive cervical cancer); multiple metabolic disturbances (dementia/encefalopathy, progressive multifocal leucoencefalopaty, hair loss, weight loss, wasting syndrome, “slim” disease); and all other clinical manifestations that may result from deterioration of the defense, surveillance, and homeostasis mechanisms of the immune system.

6.2. Deteriorations in other organs and tissues should be corrected.

6.3. Success in the treatment of AIDS depends primarily upon guaranteeing and optimizing the nutritional status at both clinical and micronutrient levels (58-77,201-212,k-v).


In addition to consulting conventional health professionals, consultation with alternative or complimentary therapists is recommended, so long as the therapeutic approaches employed have recognized effectivity in the treatment and prevention of chronic degenerative diseases like AIDS (124-141,w-z).


8.1. The treatment and prevention of AIDS as a toxic and nutritional syndrome can only be effective if:

a) Neither the individual nor the community doubt that the treatment being used is the correct choice. They need to fully understand that AIDS is a degenerative, toxic, and nutritional syndrome, caused by involuntary and sometimes voluntary multiple, repeated, and chronic exposure to immunological stressor agents which generate a state of intoxication/oxidation of the immune system and other body systems. It is recommended that relatives as well as close friends also understand the curable nature of AIDS.

b) Treatment and prevention should be led by health care professionals and alternative therapists who thoroughly understand that AIDS is a preventable, curable, and eradicable toxic and nutritional syndrome, and who are committed to that goal. Preferably, practitioners should possess a broad and global view of both conventional and alternative/complementary medicine.

8.2. Frequently, “seropositive” individuals and patients are influenced by discussions with health care professionals or alternative therapists who defend the hypothesis that AIDS is caused by a virus named “HIV”. In this event, radical confrontations should be avoided since they only increase the anxiety and depression to which “seropositive” individuals and patients are already subject (47-53).

8.3. In the event that a patient with AIDS or a person who reacts positively on the so-called “tests for HIV”, after considering all available information (228-230), decides to change the so-called antiretrovirals for a nontoxic alternative, this should be done gradually and progressively, since the protease inhibitors that are a part of the “cocktails” have antioxidant actions (231), and eliminating them abruptly could cause further oxidative stress and immune suppression.

Websites containing scientific references concerning the international debate about the causes and solutions for AIDS:


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