Websites of interest in the controversy about the causes and solutions for AIDS

7 Dec

1. Alternative explanations and solutions for AIDS without HIV
2. Alternative explanations in languages other than English
3. Defenders of orthodox HIV/AIDS explanations

Henry Bauer has published The Origins, Persistence and Failings of HIV/AIDS Theory and maintains the HIV/AIDS Skepticism blog: “The purpose of this blog is to examine the issues and to show that what is puzzling for people who believe that HIV causes AIDS is readily explainable under alternative views soundly based on published research studies.”

David Rasnick, PhD, has published Germ of Lies and maintains his personal website. He founded several biotech companies and synthesized the first peptidyl-fluoromethanes. These molecules are biologically stable inhibitors of cysteine proteases used around the world in the development of therapies for the tissue-destroying diseases of arthritis, cancer, and parasites, among others.

This Website will inform and elighten you about how HIV tests are highly inaccurate, myths about sexual transmission, and what effects recreational drugs have in relationship to HIV.
truthaboutaids forum

Debating AZT
President Thabo Mbeki of South Africa
and the AIDS drug controversy

The trouble with nevirapine

Correcting Gallo: Rethinking AIDS responds to Harper’s ‘Out of Control’ Critics

~ March 2006 ~
Journalist Celia Farber ignites long overdue debate.
15 page investigative article in Harper’s Magazine prompts HIV/AIDS luminaries to defend their beliefs in the public arena.

The AIDS industry and the media want you to think there are only a handful of scientists who doubt the HIV-AIDS theory. Here’s the reality, almost 1700 people who have questioned some or all of the connection between HIV and AIDS, including a large number of doctors and scientists.

Investigative journalist Liam Scheff has published a new article, HIV Negative, detailing the toxicities of AIDS medications, in the fall issue of Crux Magazine.
Spanish language alternative AIDS information

Writings on Health,
Environment & Science
David Crowe
In Australia

Websites with alternative explanations and solutions for AIDS without HIV

Left & Right

On the left: AIDS Dissent and Africa, By Mickey Z.

On the right: Finding Truth in Phoenix, by Donald W. Miller, Jr., MD

ACT UP San Francisco. NGO in San Francisco, California, questioning the toxicity of “antiretroviral” drugs and other AIDS issues

ACT UP Toronto. AIDS dissident activists in Toronto, Canada
The AIDS Debate
by Liam Scheff
May/June 2003

Part 1: The Most Controversial Story You’ve Never Heard
Part 2: The Gay Plague
Part 3: Africa – Treating Poverty with Toxic Drugs

AIDS Myth Exposed, part of the international movement to reappraise mainstream thinking on “HIV” and “AIDS”

The African AIDS Deception. Keidi Obi Awadu, “The Conscious Rasta”
AIDS’ Achilles Heel: The HIV antibody tests
How accurate are HIV tests?

AIDS Myth. AIDS rethinker news service


The U. S. Government’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)
“The Evidence That HIV Causes AIDS”

Robert Johnston, Matthew Irwin, and David Crowe

AIDS Reality. NGO in Hollywood, California; educational organization dedicated to distributing information which they feel is being withheld from the public challenges mainstream thinking on “HIV” and “AIDS”

AIDS Statistics. Critical look at AIDS statistics

Alberta Reappraising AIDS Society. NGO, Canada. Contains extensive references on toxicity of “antiretrovirals” and other AIDS issues

Alive & Well. NGO with chapters in several countries and headquarter in Los Angeles, California

Byrnes Stephen, Ph.D., Hawaii. Provides information on natural health and nutrition

Continuum Magazine, London
A leading international magazine of culture, science, and alternative health

The last issue, Summer/Autumn, 2001

Continuum issues in PDF format

Changing the way we think about AIDS

Drugs Kill, Not HIV: Edward E. Sherbeyn

Duesberg Peter, Ph.D. Site of Professor Peter H. Duesberg, Department of Molecular and cell Biology, University of California, Berkeley

Durban Declaration Rebuttal. A rebuttal to the “Durban Declaration” published in Nature on July 6, 2000.

Giraldo Roberto, MD. Site of Roberto A. Giraldo, MD, specialist in infectious and tropical diseases. New York.

Harvard Teach-In on AIDS and Alternative Theories
HEAL Network • Health Education AIDS Liaison
International Directory <>
HEAL New York <>
HEAL Portland <>
HEAL Monterey <>
HEAL San Diego <>
HEAL Toronto <>
Regional sites <>

JACK India. The Joint Action Council Kannur is an umbrella organization for a group of NGOs in Kannur District of Kerala, India set up with the objective of building and strengthening capacities of the NGO-network
Marnie Ko is a Calgary, Canada based writer and one of the few journalists to have tackled alternative views on HIV, AIDS and other health-related issues in the
mainstream press in Canada.

The Memory Hole. All is not necessarily lost.

New York Rethinking AIDS Society. Maintains a collection of newspaper and magazine articles. Also links articles by Celia Farber

The Perth Group of HIV/AIDS dissidents was formed in 1981 at the Royal Perth Hospital, teaching hospital for the University of Western Australia. The original members are the leader, biophysicist Eleni Papadopulos-Eleopulos, emergency physician Valendar (Val) Turner, and Professor of Pathology John Papadimitriou.


The Perth Group South African AIDS Debate Web Site. Mostly MS Word files you can download.


Rae West’s AIDS Criticism Web Site: “There is widespread awareness by now that the ‘AIDS epidemic’ is not as the media have presented it. This site explores the issue briefly and presents just a few actors from the melodrama” — Rae Wests

Jon Rappoport

Wednesday, February 19, 2003
Thursday, February 20, 2003
Friday, February 21, 2003

Rethinking AIDS. Newsletter of the Group for the Scientific Reappraisal of AIDS

South Africa Presidential AIDS Advisory Panel Interim Report
March 2001

A synthesis report of the deliberations by the panel of experts invited by the President of the Republic of South Africa, the Honorable Mr. Thabo Mbeki


Sumeria: The Immune System. A collection of resources form exploring alternative ideas in health, science, and spirituality

Survive AIDS! ACT UP San Francisco Launches Survive AIDS! Campaign

Syphilis & AIDS Déja vu: AIDS in historical perspective

Rethinkers ON AIR: a growing collection of audio and video interviews with medical experts, scientists, HIV positives and other leaders of the movement to rethink AIDS

Toxi-Health International. Mohammed Ali Al-Bayati Ph.D., D.A.B.T., D.A.B.V.T. implicates the widespread medical use of corticosteroids and related therapeutic drugs as the major causative agent in the U.S. AIDS epidemic

VIRUSMYTH. Archive of scientific research papers by scientists and authors questioning the HIV/AIDS connection

Wake up to the myth! Drugs kill, not HIV!

Women’s Health Interaction. Presents a feminist exploration of AIDS

Wright Michael, a former AIDS researcher has second thoughts

In languages other than English

Controinformazione AIDS (in Italian)

Exploser le mythe “VIH/sida” (In French)

SIDA ou Sante? (In French)

HEAL Berlin (In German)

HEAL Deutschland (In German)

Rethinking AIDS Deutschland (In German)

Korean AIDS dissident website (In Korean)

Micha’s Virus-Info-Seite von Michael Leitner (In German)

TAPS – Temas Atuais na Promoção da Saúde (In Portuguese)

Über die wissenschaftliche AIDS-Kritik von Michael Nitsche (In German)

Verteidigung der AIDS-Kritiker (In German)

Monarcas Mexico

Spanish language alternative AIDS information


Alternative views on HIV/AIDS from Spain

Vivo y Sano

Vivo y Sano Mexico

PLURAL 21: Castillian SIDA Dissidentes

Índice del SIDA: Biblioteca de artículos científicos

FreeNews Salud, Ciencia y Ecología. Recopilación de publicaciones y documentos científicos que aportan nuevos datos y otras visiones sobre el SIDA, que cuestionan su origen vírico. (In Spanish and Catalan)

Dr. Roberto Giraldo, New York with articles in both English and Spanish

Some Websites of the defenders of HIV/AIDS

AEGiS. Online bulletin board

AIDS Infosource, educational resource, NorthStar Medical Center

CDC, National Prevention Information Network. A service of the National Center for HIV, STD and TB Prevention

CDC, Website from where the HIV/AIDS related MMWR can be viewed or downloaded. To subscribe send a message to <> and the text of the message should read: subscribe HIV-MMWR (your full name without parenthesis)

CDC, First Report of AIDS

CDC, HIV and AIDS — United States, 1981–2000

CDC, The Global HIV and AIDS Epidemic, 2001

CDC, HIV Incidence Among Young Men Who Have Sex With Men. Seven US Cities, 1994 – 2000

CDC, Notice to Readers: The 20th Year of AIDS: A Time to Re-Energize Prevention

CDC, HIV/AIDS related MMWR from 1981-present can be accessed through the CDC-NCHSTP-Division of HIV/AIDS Prevention Web site at:

Common law proposed to fight HIV crime in Africa

Community Prescription Service

HIV InSite, “Gateway to AIDS Knowledge”, The University College of San Francisco

Information from Canada mostly on children and women with AIDS (In French)

Information on HIV/AIDS (in French)

International AIDS Society. Website of the Journal AIDS

Johns Hopkins Web Service

NIAID. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Focus on the HIV-AIDS Connection

NIAID. “The Evidence That HIV Causes AIDS”

New England Journal of Medicine articles

POZ Magazine


UNAIDS (In French)

UNAIDS Newsletter of the “AIDS, Poverty & Debt Relief”. To subscribe send an E-mail to:

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